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Poslovno svetovanje · coaching
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I only provide services in German and English.

When is coaching helpful?

#When you feel like you're stuck and want to take the next step but don't know how
#If you want to develop personally in the sense of developing your potential
#If you want to get rid of blocking ways of thinking
#If you want to boost your self-confidence
#If you want to develop your leadership or development potential

What is the point of coaching?

#Get clarity about your goals, your strengths, potential, needs and feelings
#Understand what the first steps are towards achieving your goals
#Get the trust and courage to dare to change
Strengthening of your self-confidence

What are the steps in a coaching session?

#Determine the topic and goal of the coaching session
#Recognize and develop progress & resources
#Define the first steps towards your goal
#Develop measures for transfer into everyday life
#Check target achievement
#Reflect on growth & development

Po čem se razlikujemo?

Why me?

#I am a certified coach with experience in working successfully with clients
#my coaching approach is tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual.
#with my approach you'll get individual sustainable solutions
in my sessions you have an appreciative and open space for all your topics

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Poslovno svetovanje
Checkmark iconPoslovno / podjetniško svetovanje Checkmark iconNakup / prodaja podjetja, prevzem Checkmark iconPoslovni načrt, finančni načrt Checkmark iconAnaliza in optimizacija poslovanja Checkmark iconRazvoj produkta Checkmark iconPoslovna strategija
Checkmark iconPoslovni coaching (podjetniški, vodstveni, korporativni) Checkmark iconKarierni coaching Checkmark iconNLP coaching Checkmark iconLife coaching (življenjski / osebni coaching) Checkmark iconPartnerski coaching
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Storitve opravljamo v okolici:

Apače, Beltinci, Benedikt, Cankova, Celje, Cerkvenjak, Cirkulane, Destrnik, Dobrna, Dornava, Dravograd, Gorišnica, Gornja Radgona, Grad, Juršinci, Kidričevo, Kuzma, Lenart v Slovenskih goricah, Ljutomer, Lovrenc na Pohorju, Majšperk, Makole, Maribor, Markovci, Miklavž na Dravskem polju, Mislinja, Moravske Toplice, Murska Sobota, Muta, Odranci, Oplotnica, Ormož, Pesnica, Podlehnik, Podvelka, Podčetrtek, Poljčane, Ptuj, Puconci, Radenci, Radlje ob Dravi, Razkrižje, Ribnica na Pohorju, Rogatec, Rogaška Slatina, Rogašovci, Ruše, Selnica ob Dravi, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenska Bistrica, Slovenske Konjice, Starše, Sveti Jurij ob Ščavnici, Sveti Tomaž, Šentjur, Šentrupert, Šmarje pri Jelšah, Šoštanj, Štore, Tišina, Trnovska vas, Velenje, Veržej, Vitanje, Vojnik, Vuzenica, Zavrč, Zreče, Žetale
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